Reflektive’s previous “No Bad Managers” campaign was pithy and hashtag-able but no longer connected with our purpose, products, and brand. Our marketing team brainstormed using design thinking methodologies, explored “Why Reflektive?”, developed 18 concepts, and narrowed to three. Conversations and conversions were then used to inform our decision on the winning campaign concept.

The testing included qualitative feedback from Reflektive customers, and quantitative feedback from A-B-C testing the concepts in account-based display ads. We focused the ads on our target account list, and after 60 days we had a statistically valid result. Concept #3, titled “Continuous” achieved an average CTR of 0.43% with a maximum CTR of 5%, while still averaging a similar cost-per-click (CPC). Comparing this to our previous average of 0.096%, we had a winner.

With the creative direction determined by data, we invested to refine the Continuous concept, focusing our branded ads on this new campaign. We built out a sizzle-reel video for use on our website and virtual events, and refined our brand messaging to feature “continuous improvement.” By using insights and harnessing the creative talent of the team, we built a battle-tested Reflektive campaign that proved to engage our target customers and drive better results.

Company: Reflektive

Year(s): 2020-2021

Results: Increased CTRs from 0.095% to 5%